Building Partnerships
TRPIL practices teamwork. We are committed to forging and strengthening relationships that increase our capacity to serve the community. We believe that disability is a natural part of life experience. Together with our community, we will build a sustainable, interconnected, and welcoming community that values everyone.
Partnerships help TRPIL staff and board of directors serve consumers. This exchange of information and resources among partner agencies assists our community members and consumers to navigate to the right service that would meet their wants and needs – be they health, employment, accessibility, housing, transportation, financial, advocacy, etc.
These associations provide TRPIL with various opportunities to support our mission of affirming liberty and justice for all people with disabilities and to develop future disability programs and policy. We actively seek out and welcome productive relationships – from the departments of federal and state agencies, to national organizations and corporations, to local businesses and non-profits, to the one-on-one partnerships we have with our volunteers, donors, and sustaining members.
Local Partners
TRPIL includes in its partner network local leadership agencies such as the redevelopment authorities; local city and county government; the Area Agency on Aging (and its statewide LINK program); Community Action; Safe Haven; the United Way; SWPA Legal Services; PA CareerLink; and the Pennsylvania Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR).
TRPIL is also very active with other Centers for Independent Living (CILs) in Pennsylvania as well as statewide and national disability organizations like the Pennsylvania Statewide Independent Living Council (PA SILC), the Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council (PADDC), the National Council on Independent Living (NCIL), and the Association of Programs for Rural Independent Living (APRIL).
Partner Links
- Department of Health & Human Services
- Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR)
- Association of Programs for Rural Independent Living (APRIL)
- Area Agency on Aging (and its statewide LINK program)
- Community Action Southwest
- Connect, Inc.
- Dress for Success
- Fair Housing Law Center
- National Council on Independent Living (NCIL)
- PA CareerLink
- Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council (PADDC)
- Pennsylvania Statewide Independent Living Council (PA SILC)
- Progressive Mobility
- Safe Haven
- SPHS CARE Center
- SWPA Legal Services
- Transitional Employment Consultants
- Try Again Homes
- The United Way of Washington County, PA
- Vista Behavioral Health
- Washington City Mission
- Wesley Spectrum